Minggu, 22 April 2012

Participial Adjective

Participial adjectives are also familiar as-ing and ed-adjective.
There are two participles in English, namely:
1. Present participle (active participle) menggunakan akhiran –ing dari kata kerja, misalnya burning, working, loving, sitting, standing, sleeping, etc.
2. Past participle (passive participle) menggunakan akhiran –ed, -en, -d, -t, -n dari kata kerja, misalnya worked, wrecked, loved, broken, stolen, written, etc.

As verbal, is the main function of the participle as an adjective (adjective) that describe nouns or pronouns.

Letak present participle dalam kalimat:
- sebelum kata benda, contoh: The crying baby is suffering from the heat.
- setelah kata benda, contoh: The boy, shouting, woke his mother.
- di awal kalimat, contoh: Falling, Andri must be carried to hospital.

Letak past participle dalam kalimat
- sebelum kata benda, contoh: I saw a broken glass in the corner.
- setelah linking verb (be), contoh: She seemed worried.
- di awal kalimat, contoh: Shaken, he walked away from the wrecked car.


Phrasal Verb

Phrasal verbs refer to verbs and proposition which together  have a spesial meanig. Phrasal verbs are part of the verb which is also called multi-word verbs.
Multi-word verbs, including phrasal verbs, are commonly used in communicating in English. Generally, many people refer to all multi-word phrasal verbs as verbs. Some examples of phrasal verbs : pick up, turn on, get up, look up, break down, etc.
Phrasal verbs consist of basic verb + another word or words. Other words that accompany the basic verb, can be a preposition and / or adverbs. Combination of two or three words that became a verb multikata (multi-word verbs) called phrases (phrase). That is why the verb is referred to as "phrasal verbs".
The important thing to note is that phrasal verbs is still called the verb, for example, the word "get" and "get up" is both a verb. But the "get" and "get up" has a different meaning. Although different meaning, phrasal verbs remain generally treated and studied as a verb.

1.  A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb.
 I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. run + into = meet
 He ran away when he was 15. run + away = leave home

2. Some phrasal verbs are intransitive. An intransitive verb cannot be followed by an object.
 He suddenly showed up. "show up" cannot take an object

3. Some phrasal verbs are transitive. A transitive verb can be followed by an object.
 I made up the story. "story" is the object of "make up"

4. Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable. The object is placed between the verb and the preposition. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, separable phrasal verbs are marked by placing a * between the verb and the preposition / adverb.
 I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car.
 She looked the phone number up.

5. Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. The object is placed after the preposition. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, inseparable phrasal verbs are marked by placing a + after the preposition / adverb.
 I ran into an old friend yesterday.
 They are looking into the problem.

6. Some transitive phrasal verbs can take an object in both places. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, such phrasal verbs are marked with both * and + .
 I looked the number up in the phone book.
 I looked up the number in the phone book.

7. WARNING! Although many phrasal verbs can take an object in both places, you must put the object between the verb and the preposition if the object is a pronoun.
 I looked the number up in the phone book.
 I looked up the number in the phone book.
 I looked it up in the phone book. correct
 I looked up  it  in the phone book. Incorrect

 By Swara Bhaskara
Pengertian wind me up and watch me go :
Phrasal verb wind up dapat berarti:
1. tegang (tensi darah naik)
Don’t get wound up while you’re writing an exam!
2. Menyimpulkan = to wrap up = to conclude
Before we go home, I’d like to wind up our discussion first.
3. Mengakhiri
Wind me up and watch me go!
4. Kejadian/aksi di luar yang telah direncanakan (ujung-ujungnya)
I wanted to be a doctor but I wound up being a teacher.

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012


Social function           :  to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made  and social phenomena in our environment.

General structure       :
  •  General classification   : introducing the thing that will be taked about.
  • Description                   : elaborating and reporting on the subject in detail.

Example report text 

General Classification :

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, althought it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby which lives on the Australia Island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Desciption :
                Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong  back leags and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangoroos have been know to make forward jump of over eight metres, and leap acrosss fences more than three metres high. They can also run at spedds of over 45 kilometres per hour.
                The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to a legth of 1.60 metres and weigh over 90 kilos.
                 Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

Report text digunakan untuk menggambarkan segala sesuatu benda atau makhluk hidup dengan mengacu pada refrensi/sumber. Biasanya berisi tentang alam.

Ket : materi diambil dari buku "Developing English Competencies Grade XI"

Expressions of embarrassment, Annoyance, and Anger

There are some expressions you can use to express embarrassment, annoyance, and anger. Some of them are :
1.       Expressions of embarassment :
·         I am very embarrassed.
·         I feel ashamed.
·         Shame on me.
·         I feel awkward.
·         You’are ambarrassing me.
2.       Expressions of annoyance :
·         C’mon. Let’s get started.
·         Let’s go.
·         I’m losing my patience with you.
·         You’are driving me crazy.
·         You’are bothering me.
·         You’are annoying me.
3.       Expressions of anger :
·         I’ve never been so insulted in my life
·         What do you mean I did a terrible job ?
·         You’are getting me angry
·         Are you trying to make me angry ?
·         You burn me up.

Example  of dialogue
Adi         : Dannny, you know that I join an English club, don’t you ?
Danny   : Yeah, you once told me about it. How’s it going ?
Adi         : (1) I feel ashamed last week. So there was this native speaker from America. I confidently tried to converse with him. I think I did quite well, until he asked me, “ Do you like watching the tube ?”
Danny : And a bit losing you here...
Adi : I said, “We don’t have any tube here in Jakarta”.  And then he said, “Are you sure? I think almost every house has at least one tube now.” Then, it just clicked me. He wasn’t talking about”the tube”, but he was talking about “the tube”
Danny : Oh, I see...
Adi : (2) Im very embarrased
Danny : Hmm...I think that was fine. He must understand that you’are still learning.
Adi : Actually, he thought it was quite funny and offered me to practice speaking more topics afterwards.
Danny : (3) Lets go, then !

Diatas merupakan contoh expressi rasa malu, jengkel (annoyance), dan marah (anger). 

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Green School, Friends for Earth

Hortatoty Exposition

Sosial function             : to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
Generic structure       : 
  • Thesis                   : announcement of issue concern
  • Argument             : reasons for the concern, leading to recommendation
  • Recommendation : statement of what ought to or ought not to happen 

 Green School, Friends for Earth
School is where learning , teaching and educating students. School can form a better personality students. Much to lesson in school, one example of environmental education. Environmental  education can form the personality of the student aware of the environment. Environmental  education course should be practiced starting from the smallest. For example create a green school. green school is a neighborhood school with a lot of overgrown plants and many of the benefits for the preservation of the earth. In realizing a green school is certainly not easy because of many parties involved

Green schools have a broader meaning, ie not only the physical appearance of a green school, but being a school that has programs and educational activities leading to environmental awareness and wisdom. School as an institution to educate and inculcate a positive culture has a strategic function in changing the paradigm of thinking is wrong, that the natural is only used for  economic  assets without regard to cause and effect.  Human being Able to think like that because they had no awareness of the environment and not think of exploitation.
            Needed here is a green school. The green school embodiment can be incorporated into the school program because many parties are involved, ranging from students, teachers and government. examples of green schools program was implemented at my school SMAN 1 Cileungsi is the planting of a thousand flowers. Embodiment of a thousand flowers planting is not easy. If individuals haven’t  awareness for the environment, planting a thousand flowers will be useless and will not last long.
            Green schools can produce oxygen and provide coolness in the school itself or can donate a little green area in the center of illegal logging. with the help of the government to increase the number of green schools through legislation or local regulations. With a green school, students will immediately take an active role in preserving our environment and is expected to increase students' awareness of the environment so that one day they will be the ones who can protect the earth or a friend for earth.

Green schools can also provide comfort to enhance the students' enthusiasm for learning and a more conducive atmosphere for learning. Such as planting a thousand flowers in SMAN 1 Cileungsi  can change the atmosphere of the school to be better than ever. Therefore we have to support green schools and environmental awareness. Especially when this greenhouse effect and natural disasters that can destroy the Earth. Don't let the view that wealth natural is economic assets. And don’t let planting  thousand flowers do not last long due to low awareness of the environment. 

Tujuan hortatory ini untuk membujuk pembaca dan pendengar tentang suatu masalah. Dengan adanya argument dapat menguatkan isi teks dan bagian recommendation yang berisi pernyataan tentang apa yang seharusnya atau seharusnya tidak terjadi atau kalimat ajakan.